For Folha Top of Mind, we have created 20 handcrafted illustrations inspired by Brazilian culture and clichés from each segment, authentically and impactfully reflecting the national imagination.

Folha Top of Mind is the largest brand recall survey in Brazil, highlighting their presence in the minds of Brazilians. This year, the team at Folha de São Paulo invited us to illustrate all the categories of the magazine, and we created 20 thematic illustrations that brought life to the sections and highlights.

Participating in this project, which brings together important names and major companies in the Brazilian advertising market, is an incredible achievement for us. In the illustrations, we sought to revive the aesthetics of retail and promotional materials, elements that are in constant contact with the public. Inspired by promotional bullets and low-quality printed tabloids, we created illustrations with a touch of nostalgia. The limited color palette reinforced the concept, resulting in an authentic and engaging visual.

Additionally, these layouts marked the debut of our typography, Caxa Display.

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