Continuing the 2022 project, we were once again commissioned by VR Benefícios to create a new set of illustrations for their communication in 2023/24. With a wide range of products and services, VR seeks not only to continue the previous work, but also to further emphasize its target audience and the scope of services offered by the company.
When depicting Brazil through illustrations, it's common to lean towards a vernacular aesthetic. However, our challenge was to incorporate even more Brazilian elements into the illustration system, while keeping it corporate, adaptable, replicable, and vectorial.
With a vectorial trace that balances lines and shapes reminiscent of the VR logo, the illustrations establish a connection with the audience through situations and locations that celebrate the Brazilian identity in biotypes, scenarios, clothing, and settings. The green color remains predominant to establish a direct relationship with the brand, although there is room for other vibrant colors to stand out as well.
The versatility of the illustrations allows for their application in various contexts, from printed materials to video animations. This ability to work with illustrations across multiple consumer touchpoints makes the brand more accessible and inclusive by representing a wide variety of people in its scenes. And it is precisely because it values the diversity of its audience that VR has become so popular as to become synonymous with the category in Brazil.

Laura Nunes
Maryangela Alves
Vitor Brito Pereira
Renato Brito Mamede
Arthur Sandrini
Augusto Mori
Deise de Carvalho
Juliana Bueno
Pedro Ivo